Death --- No Solution to Difficulties.

Death is not the Solution, far from it. Death is a clumsy and mechanical return to the endless round of existence and what you have not achieved in one life, you have to in the second, generally in much more difficult circumstances.

Death is not at all what you believe it to be. You expect from death the neutral quietness of an unconscious rest. But to obtain that rest you must prepare for it.

When you die you lose only your body and at the same time the possibilities of relation with and action on the material world. But all that belongs to the vital world does not disappear with the material substance; all you desire, attachments, cravings persist with the sense of frustration & disappointment, and all that prevents you from finding the expected peace. To enjoy the peaceful and eventless death you must prepare for it. And the only effective preparation is abolition of desires.So long as we have a body we have to act, to work, to do something; but if we do it simply because it has to be done, without seeking for the result or wanting it to be like this or like that, we get progressively detached and thus prepare ourselves for a restful death.

Know for certain that to commit suicide is the most foolish action that a man can do; because the end of the body does not mean the end of the consciousness and what was troubling you while you were alive continues to trouble you when you are dead, without the possiblity of diverting your mind which you can get whenh you are alive.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, Like Yogi said, Suicide is a foolish thing ever in the world. One must solve all trouble that he faces.

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